This oceanfront hotel was originally constructed in the early eighty’s, going through an extensive exterior renovation after the turn of the Century as a result of severe storm damage to the property. As a result of insurance monies received from the storm damage claim, the owner desired to update the property working within the confinements of the existing structural elements and building footprint without increasing the size of the building due to grandfathered land-use restrictions. The old hotel, which was located within a redevelopment area of the beach, had no architectural presence and presented an extreme design challenge. The solution was to reinvent the exterior look by utilizing very simple design elements in a colorful context. Budgets were tight, thus all improvements had to be done with relatively inexpensive applied materials. In addition, they were easily attached to the existing structures without compromising the structural or waterproofing integrity! The resulting designs utilized simple EIFS/stucco systems on metal stud furring/framing as well as aluminum / glass storefront grid and shutter systems over the existing exterior wall faces. These systems provided for a very economical and flexible design approach, all which could be accomplished within an extremely tight budget and construction timeline. The colorful, playful and relaxed architecture derives from a style reminiscent of the beach cottage days with the presence of shutter systems; board “n” batten wall patterns, awnings and multiple gable roof profiles, vastly different from the original structure. The new renovations elevated the quality of the property and as a result, the once bland old hotel has become a popular lodging for younger and more affluent vacationers. (Note: This building was demolished in order to build Ocean’s One)